This week's Fabulous Friday Challenge over on the i {heart} copics group on PCP is a sketch challenge. I used this fun Raccoon Flowers image from Chicken Girl Designs and my Basic Grey Lemonade papers. I love the simplicity of this can keep it simple or add a whole lotta bling to make it a busier card. Personally, I like 'em simple.
Did you even just have one of those weeks? One where it didn't seem to matter what you did, you were always behind the eight ball, one step forward two steps back kind of week? Me too! Sunday started out well enough, except that the little one threw up at Tim Horton's (Canadian Coffee shop we visit after church every Sunday)...not to worry, we made it to the bathroom in time! When we got home, she ate a little and seemed fine, but tired. She wanted to see the ice show again, so I agreed to go with her and hubby even though I had already been the day before and had planned to spend a few hours in my craft room. Did I mention that the big kid skated like a pro?
This put me behind in my crafting...and all seemed find until the little one woke up late in the evening and lost her dinner...looks like the day off I planned for crafting on Monday is a day off for a sick kid. Of course, this sick kid is the kind that wants to sit on your lap all biggee, I got 7 loads of laundry done. Just after the last load went into the washer, I discovered a small trail of water on the floor. Some investigation by hubby revealed that there is oil leaking from under the washer...time for a new washer. And, I'm exhausted so no crafting for me tonight.
Tuesday the little one wakes at 6am with lots of attitude...she's feeling better! Tuesday night my parents take the kids so that we can go and look at new laundry appliances. Too many dollars later I am now the proud owner of a front-loading washer and least on paper, they won't be delivered until next Tuesday. Yikes...that's a long time to go without laundry facilities. Wednesday the cleaning lady came and I was embarrassed at the state of our house (even if she is the cleaning lady, we clean up the clutter before she comes) that evening we spent time cleaning out the little one's bedroom and ended up with a full garbage bag full of old papers, broken toys and the like. After the kids were in bed I went grocery shopping and came home at 10pm and promptly went to bed.
Thursday, it took everything I had to get out of bed and function. Little one was up at 5:45, but I managed to keep her quiet until 6:00 before beginning our day. Saw a doctor friend who made some recommendations on the little one's tummy troubles (she gets every stomach flu going and is always complaining that her tummy hurts). Totally overwhelmed at the amount of work and "elimination diet" entails, but I promise to consider it and do some research. I can't face going back to work, so I go home to craft and "forget my troubles." Not successful with hubby home and wanting to discuss washer and dryer placement etc. Thankfully, my Mom dropped by and even though I all I did was whine for a few minutes, I felt 110% better after she left. I just needed to vent and whine and complain a little. The rest of the evening went off without a hitch...until I started taking a look at my photos for today's i {heart} copics challenge...take a look at this picture.

If you're still with me, thanks so much for reading about my ramblings. I did manage to spend some time in my craft room last night (Thursday) and got some DT stuff done and I have another card that is well on its way to being finished. Hubby and I chatted and we've agreed to fit in a few hours for me to craft this weekend, so that I don't get so far behind again. However, we're busy busy. The skating wrap up is this weekend and the big kid is getting an award, so that will take up Sunday afternoon. Hopefully we'll make to the gym Saturday morning to burn off some steam before we get to clean out the laundry room in preparation of the new washer/dryer and the construction that will be happening mid-May.
Here is a quick shot of the copics that were used on the final image for this week's challenge.
Accessories: CTMH Bigger Brads
Such a cute card!
Oh bless you! That's one heck of a wek you've had. It's no fun being stuck with a sick kid at the best of time let alone with no washing machine! As for the card, it's lovely! I like em simple too. Would never have noticed the racoon is the wrong colour cos we don't have them in Wales! Nothing wrong with having a green tail and feet either....she's just..."alternative!"
Hope you have a better weekend!
LInds xx
Gorgeous and so beautifully coloured,I love it!!! I am sorry you have had a rough time,I think we try to squeeze too much in and it catches up with us.I have trouble with colouring images good that you can laugh about it!!
oh my gosh this was too funny (the raccoon card mishaps not the sick kid and all that lol).. sounds like what I went thru last weekend... glad you have some time coming up to get back to it! Love the finished card too!
Whew - what a week! Your card came together in the end though. Hey, thanks so much for taking the boys out with you this aft. it was much needed quiet time for me - I appreciate it!
Talk soon,
Shanna :)
hey the raccoon can wear boots since she is wearing a matches :-) Thanks for sharing the funny story.
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